Social Community Day 2017
Workshop 4: „Vielfalt macht unsere Gesellschaft reich“ (english)
mit Stefanie Trzecinski und Victoria Michel, Gebärdengrips
Changing approach to disabilities through inclusion
Stefanie Trzecinski
Bild: Anne Kerubo Samba
On the second workshop round called “Variety enriches our society”, founder of KOPF, HAND + FUSS Stefanie Trzecinski and Victoria Michel begin the discussion on the problems and obstacles disabled people encounter which can be solved in times of digitalization.
Their aim is to offer equal participation and develop educational projects for people with disabilities. The goal of one project of that type – “Gebärdengrips” – is to allow people with different abilities to get information they need. The online platform uses sign language, sounds and subtitles to address everybody. (mehr …)